Today we got our fingerprinting done- Yeah. Now we wait for that one little piece of paper saying we get to immigrate two children from Ethiopia into the US. I had posted a question on our adoption group bulletin asking how long it takes to get this paper back after the fingerprinting.
The responses I got were so varied. It is pretty amazing that we are all going through the same process but have had such different experiences. Naing and I had to be there at 9 am. We got there about a quarter til thinking there would be a lot of people, but there was not. I was the second person fingerprinted and he was the third. It went fast, I hope the processing goes fast too.
Some people in this adoption group that live in other states talked about walking into the USCIS office with the application and getting an appointment right then. Others said they waited for weeks and months. One lady talked about armed guards being present when they went for their appointment in another state. It is amazing how random and varied things are through this whole process.
We also got to meet the Ethiopian lawyer who will be representing us in court for our adoption. He was in town visiting our agency and they had a couple of functions for him. We went to the dinner at the Ethiopian restaurant. Had great food and got to meet people I have chatted on line with but had not met before Saturday night. It was so interesting to listen to every one's stories of where they are in the process. See pictures of people's children, those that have referrals but haven't traveled yet. And of course see the beautiful children of the families that have come home. That is what keeps me going through this hurry up and wait for the next step.
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