
Alec's words

Alec is now saying thank you, doggie, kitty, bath, airplane, eye, nose, car and wee wee (as is this little piggy). He is so busy. Gone is the snuggling time unless it is in the middle of the night or he is sleepy. He started to play with Haven's dolls this week. Naing refers to them as action figures:). He looks so sweet carrying around the doll. He is a total boy though playing with his cars and push toys. He makes engine sounds as her races down the hallway. He tackles Haven and pushes her when he wants something. She runs away from him now saying gentle! He is throwing tantrums already. Learned the art of tantrums from his sister. The other day when he threw himself on the floor screaming because he didn't get his way, I stepped over him and walked away. Haven went running to him saying Alec,Alec, ok baby. She came over to me and pointed to him to show me his was crying. She does love her brother in her own way.
Alec loves to swing, is trying to run, but doesn't have enough balance yet to get up speed. He is climbing everything....busy, busy boy.

3 Kind Words:

MommaT said...

its so great to hear how both your kids are growing up..and how sweet of Haven to watch over her brother:) Can't wait to meet you all on the 27th! How old is Alec now?

Becky and Naing said...

I'm excited to meet ya'll too.Alec is 14 months now.

Debbie said...

Ah the joys of tantrums. And how cute that Haven wants to play mommy to her brother.