
Photos of their new family

I just picked out pictures to put together a photo for Amarech and Beri. Our agency requests these photos so our children will get familiar with our faces before we arrive to take them home.

It was hard to choose photos for a 6 month and 14 month old to be informative and colorful.

I included a few pictures of Naing and I together, my sister, Patty and her family since they live close by, the dogs, us with the dogs and our back yard.

As we get furniture together in their room, I'll send some of those pictures for later.

Now I'm on the hunt to try to find the most economical way for us to buy what we need in the short period of time that we have.

I have made a list......and it is a little overwhelming. Now is when I wish I lived close to my sister, Donna. She does such an amazing job of organizing and planning. I need that help now.

Patty and Lisa want to do a shower now and then have Debbie give a meet and greet shower when we are finally home with our babies. That will help alot.
But I'm not griping this is a whole bunch more fun than waiting, waiting, waiting.

6 Kind Words:

Debbie said...

I commented on Facebook, but just want to say again how very happy I am for you. Have fun getting ready for your two little ones :-)

Paula said...

Enjoy getting things ready for your new children... the fun part of the wait!

Mel said...

Congratulations on your referrals. Saw a post about you on TAFRU and thought I'd stop by.
We're also adopting from Toukoul and have been put on the list at the end of May.
God bless,

A brief bio: said...

You have so much to do! :) And, you will have so much fun doing it... Crystal

Erin Sager said...

These will be such great days leading up to meeting them....so excited for you

Jill said...

Congratulations Becky! Tell me when your baby shower is when you know.